Richard Pullin's Change Ringing Site
Tottenham Bob Triples appears to be one of only three twin-hunt Triples methods - along with Grandsire and Union - that has symmetrical bob courses, allowing for easy use of ordinary Grandsire singles in a 5040. Oxford Bob and St Clement's College Bob don't have this feature, but it is interesting to see how symmetry can be simulated. Another interest is Spliced Twin-Hunt Triples. A very pretty twin-hunt method is Hereward Bob Triples. Though not particularly pretty - nor twin-hunt - Bob Triples is a surprisingly interesting method for different 5040 plans. The fact that irregular q-sets are possible (a feature not shared by Grandsire) offers more versatility, including the existence of exact 5-part extents despite the fact that a bob only affects three bells. (Watch out for updates!)