Richard Pullin's Change Ringing Site
Grandsire Triples
Minimum Calls
The fewest possible number of calls for a peal of Grandsire Triples is 90. Parker's One-Part was probably the first composition to achieve this. Intriguingly, Parker's peal still uses normal Grandsire singles, whereas the other compositions with few calls - such as Hollis's one-part, which has 95 calls - use in-course singles due to the P-Block structure. Parker very cleverly designed this predominantly P-Block composition to have one B-Block left over, so that normal singles could be used to add it in afterwards. Elegantly, this SBBS block is right at the beginning, and the peal ends with the last four leads of the plain course. Because normal singles are used, it would be possible to rotate this peal and ring it almost entirely out-of-course, despite having only 90 calls and being on a P-Block plan - remarkable!
In about 2009 I was in email contact with the late Stephen J Ivin, and he had come up with a computer programme to generate peals of Grandsire Triples with only 90 calls - however, these were all variations of Parker's One-Part.
I believe that there is at least one other peal composition of Grandsire Triples with 90 calls. This, I seem to remember, was a two-part published in Bell News, composed by either Hollis, or J. W. Moorhouse. If you would like more information, I can try and find the figures.
In a peal composition that is half in-course and half out-of-course, 180 calls seems to be the minimum possible. An example is Parker's 12-part. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it seems to be down to the B-Block structure that is required for this type of composition. Perhaps anything less than 180 will compromise the B-Blocks somehow, and lead to falseness. It would be interesting to see if an exact composition in parts with 180 calls could be turned into an inexact composition with only 175 calls, while still retaining truth.
Maximum Calls
340 calls is the maximum possible for Grandsire Triples. As there are 360 leads in a peal, this means that, amazingly, only 20 plain leads are needed in a peal composition! J. E. David composed a one-part with only 20 plain leads, and sent it to me on my request. If you would like to see the figures, let me know. I have no idea who else may have composed peals with only 20 plain leads.
I did wonder whether 20 plain leads meant that a 20-part peal with one plain lead per part was possible on this plan, based on the group of part ends discussed here. I did an examination and found that the 20 blocks of calls are not mutually true to this group of part ends.
In the correspondence between Stephen Ivin and myself, Stephen had worked out that 210 is the maximum possible number of calls for a composition with only two singles. I'd be grateful if someone could confirm this. The one-part peals composed by Stephen were attempts in this direction, but fell slightly short with only 200 calls. Stephen never did manage to get the maximum number of 210.
More about palindromes
In a fairly old Grandsire textbook an observation is made that palindromic peals like Holt's ten-part have only two singles, halfway and at the end, but non-palindromic peals in two halves - such as Parker's 12-part - seem forced always to have more than the two singles halfway and at the end. The book questions why this might be the case.
Lets consider some contrasting peals of Grandsire Triples. Holt's Original is a one-part with only two singles, and these occur in the SBBS block right at the end. Parker's 12-part, in contrast, can be divided into two halves, yet it still requires an SBBS within each part. The fact is that all B-Block peals (and some P-Block peals) end up needing at least one SBBS added in, otherwise a peal with bobs-only would be possible. P-Block peals also require two in-course singles (or sometimes 5ths place bobs) to get the right parity of P-Blocks, for the same reason.
This is why it would be impossible for, say, a half in-course and half out-of-course two-part, with a part end 324567, to only have a single halfway and at the end. There would still be at least one B-Block missing from each part, and this would have to be added in with an SBBS.
But why is it the case that palindromic peals only require the singles halfway and at the end, with no extra SBBS blocks needed to be added within the part? (As can be seen by looking at Holt's ten-part.) It is worth bearing in mind that Holt's ten-part is in fact a palindromic five-part, and the two halves of the peal are not the same, as they are in Parker's 12-part. Therefore, just as Holt's Original only has two singles in the form of an SBBS, Holt's ten-part (really a broken up five-part) only has two singles with half of the peal between each single. It is like a vastly extended version of an SBBS.
For the record, non-palindromic ten-part peals based on the P-Block plan can have an in-course single called halfway and at the end, making for an exact ten-part. However, these compositions still require singles elsewhere within each part, so it remains impossible to have a peal composition made up of two identical halves with only two singles at the halfway point and end.
It never fails to amaze me how many different part plans there are for peals of Grandsire Triples. In particular, it is surprising how many different six-part plans we can think of:
Half-in-course, half out-of-course, with one trio of bells fixed in their home positions for every part end. Here is an example by A. J. Corrigan, though it has also been attributed to A. J. Pitman.
Every part end in-course. It is necessary to 'teleport' irregularly from one half of the peal to the other, as is also the case in many ten-part peals. Parker's six-part is a good example.
Two bicycle three-part half peals joined together. The six part ends would all be in-course. I haven't actually seen a composition like this for Grandsire Triples, but do not see why it wouldn't be possible. My 18-part peal is three lots of such a group.
A palindrome, of which a fine example is Holt's six-part. However, it is worth bearing in mind that these are technically palindromic 3-parts.
There are one or two other kinds of six-part plans I can think of which don't seem to be possible:
A six-part with cyclic part ends: 345672, 456723, 567234, etc. I explain here why a peal isn't possible on this plan. It is effectively two bicycle three-part half peals joined together, but unlike above, one half is in-course and the other half is out-of-course. Another part end group for this impossible plan is: 352746, 573624, 765432, etc - the lead ends of a plain course of Bob Triples.
'Half a 12-part.' A six-part where one trio of bells keeps the same parity throughout, whilst the other trio has two bells swapping over in each part. An example of such a group would be: 423657, 342567, 234657, 423567, 342657, 234567 - i.e: the first six part ends of Parker's 12-part. A composition like this would be very attractive, as you could have the footnote: 'repeat five times,' with no other kind of substitution, such as an extra single halfway and at the end. As a five-part is the greatest number of parts possible without any substitution required, a six-part would be even better. In 2011 I experimented on this plan, but sadly it doesn't seem to be possible. I can't quite remember what the problem was, but the parity of bells 2,3,4 cannot be compromised, so if the first part end was 234657, singles couldn't be used as a 'get out of jail free card' to force the little bells into 423 or 342. [Update: Actually, Pitman's peal is on this plan, though of necessity not a regular 6-part]
Perfect ten-parts
As I have described elswhere, there are many ten-part peals of Grandsire Triples. These are formed of two identical half-peals (five parts) which then have to be joined irregularly, as shown in this example by E. Bankes James. In 2010 I wondered about the possibility of a ten-part formed of five two-parts, instead of two five-parts. If so, the touch would come back into Rounds after two parts, at 1008 changes. You could then turn this into a peal by adding a bob at the correct place in alternating parts - a Q-set that would link the five two-part touches into one peal. This would be far neater and easier to call than the normal ten-parts, as every part would be unbroken and the same length. In the normal ten-part peals, two parts have to be broken up, as you can see from the James peal.
I became quite excited in 2010 when I thought I'd managed to come up with a peal on this plan, but realised that the part block was a few leads missing (not missing B-Blocks, but a number of leads not divisible by three, which showed that I had at least one q-set member missing.) The fact that the part was incomplete allowed it to become a two-part rather than a five-part.
And that, sadly, is the answer to this question. Once the part is complete and has all q-set members included, it will always become a five-part. It could have any of the five possible part ends (including Rounds) from the first half, but none of the five possible part ends from the second half. The same thing happens with the in-course six parts. You will always end up with 1423567 or 1342567, but never the 6578 part ends. I don't quite understand why this is the case, but it is definitely something to do with the completeness of the part. It is possibly because the five-part containing Rounds is always the subgroup you will start in, even if the full group is a ten-part. It is also possibly because there a five leads in a P-Block, so the part end is determined by the special 'shunt' leads when the observation bell is in the hunt. This can only be a five-part transposition owing to the five-lead P-Block, and can never be a two-part transposition. But there must be more to it then this, as the in-course six-parts are still not accounted for.
A perfect ten-part, with bobs-only, was actually composed and conducted in 2017 by Thomas Perrins, but this is not an extent. It is an arbitrary length more than 5040 changes, which has now sadly become permitted by the CCCBR rule changes. This composition has an extra bob in alternate parts, as described above.
Perfect ten-parts (part 2)
The nearest point that two indentical in-course half peals can be joined together is three leads. An example is this fine ten-part by E. Bankes James. Not only does it have the lead ends of the plain course and partner plain course as the part ends, but the composition is also very palindromic. It can also be seen that there are lots of bits singled in to the part in interesting ways, rather than just the usual SBBS blocks. And, importantly, the linking points for the two halves are as close to each other as possible.
Except, that I wondered (in about 2012) whether the two linkage points could be made even closer together. I speculated that two consecutive bobs could be replaced with two singles, or SB could be replaced with BS. Either trick would swap two pairs of bells, and could therefore link up to the other in-course half peal. I was aware that this in itself would not be sufficient, as the single-to-single Q-sets would be incomplete. I wondered whether this could be amended in a separate bit of another part (preferably the first part.)
The problem: this amendment would itself swap the same pairs of bells over, cancelling out the halfway substitution in advance. However, the amendment could be two-part in nature, applied to one part only, and would therefore be entirely self-contained and wouldn't alter the part ends.
Another problem: this amendment would itself prevent the peal from being a 'perfect' (i.e: all parts the same length) peal, and it seems to defeat the purpose of the easy substitution halfway and end.
With this in mind, I think that I tried to come up with a ten-part and then a six-part (where there is more room in the part to manoeuvre), but didn't have any success. I may have another look one day.
Something a bit more complicated
I find it can get a bit boring that the single-to-single Q-sets are always at the same stroke. For example, if the lead ends 324567 and 234567 are both linked by a single-to-single q-set, then they must both occur at backstroke. The same, of course, goes for all q-sets of this kind.
In 2011 I composed this quarter peal of Grandsire Triples, which deliberately incorporates the lead end 325476 at backstroke (as can be clearly seen in the first part) and ending with 234567 as usual. These lead ends are both produced by singles, to prevent falseness. Clearly, then, this is a special case of single-to-single q-set that is rung in opposing strokes. In about 2012 (around the time of the perfect ten-parts part 2 query) I got quite excited at the idea that these opposing stroke q-sets could be used in peal compositions, and would double the number of potential compositions available. New 12-parts similar to Parker's but never seen before, perhaps the long sought after 24-part, new bicycle three-parts, etc.
I got to work on a part block. Unfortunately I soon found out that this type of peal isn't possible. In the normal single-to-single q-sets, there is a B-Block in between the two singles. These SBBS blocks can very easily be broken up by one of the bobs being replaced by a q-set group of plain leads. This is very common. However, the opposing stroke q-sets require more than this. They cause the intermediate B-Block to become torn in half, because the opposing strokes force the B-Block in opposite directions. As a B-Block is made up of three leads (an odd number) it is impossible to split it in half in this way. You either get a repeated lead or a missing lead, and a true or complete peal is therefore impossible. (The problem is also due to the fact that B-Blocks can be rung either forwards or backwards, but single leads can only be rung in one direction.) The novelty of opposing stroke q-sets, therefore, have to be left for fun quarter peals. Interestingly, opposing stroke q-sets do exist elsewhere in Change Ringing, and they allow the existence of bobs-only 360s of Bob Minor and bobs-only 5040s of Bob Triples.
Revd E. G. Benson's one-part
This one-part peal has caught my attention for several reasons. It produces the changes in a particularly pleasing and aesthetic way - and I have a strong intuition that this was intentional and that Benson knew exactly what he was doing. Like Parker's One-Part it has the one and only SBBS right at the earliest possible opportunity, and then the peal finishes with four full leads of the plain course. After the SBBS you get PBPBPPB which produces most of the pretty touch of 112 changes (BP x 4) but has an omit to prevent it from coming back into the plain course.
The peal has 120 calls - this seems a nice balance. Not so few as to become tedious, but not too many either. For those who call one-parts by the bells before (I personally don't), after the first four leads the only bells to be called before for the entire peal are 2,4,5. This should make it easier to call than if more bells were called before. Of the P-Blocks that rung in full unbroken five-lead courses, the best ones seem to have been selected for this. Examples are the P-Blocks starting from 453627, 546732, and 243576.
Due to the small number of bells called before and the fairly low number of calls, the bobs occur in interesting combinations. There are many cases of call intervals at 5, 4, 5, for example. This may be followed by a more concentrated section of calls like 2, 2, 2. These combinations seem very efficient at producing nice sounding leads and courses in effortless and seemingly relentless ways. The following section, for example, is pretty to listen to all the way through and includes Queens and Tittums both very close together (note that the Queens and Tittums respective P-Blocks are both rung in their unbroken entirety):
346725 1
743562 5
257643 1
652374 5
526374 4
325467 5
The peal has well thought out bits like this from start to finish. Some bits seem so repetitive, that I do wonder whether this had been composed with a view to being in parts, but then became a one-part instead. At some point I will have a look at the q-sets to see if that may be the case.
And what of the man himself? The name Revd E. Geoffrey Benson sometimes pops up in the peal books of Sidney T. Holt, and it seems that Benson was the curate at Tewkesbury Abbey in the early 1930s. This is interesting, as I believe that the Revd Charles D P Davies - another well-known Grandsire Triples composer - lived in Kemerton, not far from Tewkesbury, in the later years of his life, which I suspect would have been around this time. Later on, Benson seems to have moved further west to the Welsh Marches, ringing several peals in that area in the 40s and 50s. His last peal seems to have been in about 1960. He was a Cambridge University alumnus - again, like Davies - and rang several peals for the CUG.
He produced a very neat and satisfying one-part of Grandsire Triples, and I hope to ring it someday.
8-part peals of Grandsire Triples aren't very common, as rounds will invariably come up as the first part end. Because of this, 8-part peals require a repeated section in some of the parts. Brian Price came up with a very neat composition, with comparitively few calls. As has been said elsewhere, the peal is made up from a 24-part block. It is a very enjoyable composition to ring, with blocks of four consecutive plain leads when bells 6,7 are coursing each other. All of the 678s occur at backstroke. The repeated section is very neat, being on either side of a pair of singles at Home. The repeated section includes two of the 678 course ends, and is an enjoyable part of the composition. When the composition was first published in the Ringing World, Price explained why 8-part peals have to be "lopsided" in half of the parts.
I came up with my own 8-part in 2014. It is nowhere near as good as Price's, with more calls, more singles, and many of the calls producing non-descript and uninspiring lead ends. What is interesting, though, is that the repeated section in my peal is added into alternating parts, in contrast to Price's peal where his repeated section is added into the first four parts. This means that the halfway point for my peal really is at halfway. Another advantage of my peal is that the halfway substitution is made at the part end, unlike Price's peal where - by necessity - the substitution must be made elsewhere in the part. For the record, here's my 8-part:
5040 Grandsire Triples
672453 2
346572 1
673425 3
s 526347 2
475632 2
264375 1
s 572436 2
s 465372 1
234765 1
572634 1
s 645372 1
236745 1
s 752436 1
367245 2
s 473652 3
264573 1
352764 1
s 743652 1
267543 1|
432756 2|
674532 1|
436725 3|
574236 1|
365427 2|
743265 1|
s 567324 2| A
245736 2|
672345 1|
246753 3|
372546 1|
463257 2|
724563 1|
637452 2|
s 426537 1
754326 1
267435 2
s 452367 1
8 part, replacing A with a single 1 in alternate parts.
Call bob for single, halfway and at end.
Composed 16th February 2014.
An attractive prospect would be 8-part peals where bells 6,7 swap over halfway through. For example, the part ends: 345267, 452367, 523467, 234576 x2.
Such an 8-part would be on a distinctly different plan to the two already discussed. Unfortunately they aren't possible. One of the part ends is 452376, which is rounds with three pairs of bells swapped over (24, 35, 67). This would entail falseness whenever these pairs cross over at the half leads or lead ends. Cyclic six-parts are impossible for the same reason. You could confine the false blocks to alternating parts, but the resulting peal would hardly resemble an 8-part.
Equal-call extents
It seems that a 5040 containing 120 each of bobs, singles and plain leads is probably not possible, for reasons explained here.